

Our 经济学 program is unique among most undergraduate 经济学 programs in that we require 两个 econometrics courses as part of our major, 和 one econometrics course 作为辅修课程的一部分. 许多本科经济学课程不需要计量经济学 无论是大调还是小调. 我们选择在课程中强调计量经济学 to provide our students with the quantitative 和 critical thinking skills necessary 在数据驱动的世界中茁壮成长. 

我们是一个STEM认证的项目,我们的CIP代码是45.0603.   阅读更多



The 经济学 curriculum exposes students to the intellectual, historical, 和 institutional context of the discipline, integrating their 研究 of 经济学 with their liberal 艺术教育作为一个整体. 

Our faculty research 和 teach a wide variety of topics including ine质量, environmental sustainability, 和 social justice, all of which are all complex, pressing moral issues 有大量的经济成分. 经济学是唯一一门 origin 和 mission is to underst和 the market system – both how it works 和 when it does not, as well as the efficacy of policies to promote more desirable societal 结果. To that end, our 经济学 curriculum develops the critical 和 analytical skills necessary to provide theoretical 和 empirical frameworks for tackling society’s 复杂的问题.  了解更多



Our students are well-prepared to enter either the workforce or graduate school upon 毕业. Recent graduate job placements in governmental organizations include the Congressional Budget Office, the Department of Defense, 和 the National Science Foundation.  学生 interested in the financial services sector have been employed by BlackRock, Morgan Stanley和Greenspring Advisors.  我们最近的毕业生中有两名学生 who have pursued a Master in 经济学 at Georgetown University, one pursuing a Master in Data Science from Duke University, 和 one pursuing a Master in Data Science from 哈佛大学. 此外,我们2021年毕业的一名学生正在攻读 Ph值.D. 他是特拉华大学的经济学博士. 我们也成功地放置 students in top law schools, including Cornell University 和 the University of Virginia.

我们的一些学生也攻读4 + 1学位 约翰霍普金斯大学 罗耀拉大学.



主要 & 辅修课程协调员

吉娜Shamshak, 系主任, Professor of 经济学: Applied micro经济学, environmental 自然资源经济学

全职 & 半场教员

玛格丽特烈性黑啤酒, Assistant Professor of 经济学: Urban/regional 经济学, public 经济学, transportation

吉娜Shamshak, Professor of 经济学: Applied micro经济学, environmental 和 natural resource 经济学

亚莎谢泼德, Assistant Professor of 经济学: Applied micro经济学, public 经济学, urban 经济学,犯罪行为,教育政策

Chimedlkham Zorigtbaatar, Assistant Professor of 经济学: Health, development, 和 labor 经济学




云顶集团 经济学 students gain a global perspective that enhances their course of 研究. 学生 may choose three-week intensive courses led by 云顶集团 faculty or 适合其学术计划的学期课程. 下面列出的是经济项目 主修或辅修在过去都有选择.

参观 全球教育办公室 网站了解更多关于这些和其他项目的信息.


The following courses at UEA are equivalent to 云顶集团 College 经济学 课程:



ECO-1A06:定量方法 EC 206:经济统计
ECO-2A05C:宏观经济学原理 EC 217:中级宏观经济学
ECO-2A07C:微观经济学原理 EC 216:中级微观经济学
ECO-2A11C:欧洲经济(仅限课程) 200级选修课



The following courses at DIS are equivalent to 云顶集团 College 经济学 课程:



全球化经济理论 200级选修课
转型经济学:中国和俄罗斯的改革战略 200级选修课
体育经济学 200级选修课



The following courses at Macquarie are equivalent to 云顶集团 College 经济学 课程:



EC 141:计量经济学入门 EC 320:计量经济学
EC 235:经济发展 200级选修课
欧共体240:劳动力市场经济学 200级选修课



The following courses at UCC are equivalent to 云顶集团 College 经济学 课程:



EC 3121:计量经济学 EC 320:计量经济学
ec2151:社会政策经济学 200级选修课
EC 4171:经济一体化-欧洲 200级选修课
EC 3202:国际货币与金融 200级选修课



The following courses at Yonsei University are equivalent to 云顶集团 College 经济学 课程:



ISM 4804:经济发展 200级选修课

机会 & 实习



学生可以选择完成一年的毕业论文. 毕业论文 这个产品是学术的还是科学的 高级学术研究或艺术作品 质量. Senior thesis work carries eight credits 和 ordinarily involves 两个 sequential courses 的四个 每学期学分; 由一位教职员指导oR由学生选择. 点击这里了解更多关于撰写毕业论文的细节. 过去论文的例子:

  • Explaining 学生’ Decisions: The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on College Enrollment
  • 21世纪美国经济中的劳动力转型


学生们 the opportunity to conduct research during the academic year through 独立研究项目. 过去项目的例子包括:

  • 蓝蟹:它们在切萨皮克湾的管理和未来
  • The Economic Forces behind a Structural Change in the US Agricultural Industry
  • 巴尔的摩食品系统的经济学
  • 农场可持续发展经济学
  • Development 和 analysis of hydroponic food production at 云顶集团 College
  • 云顶集团水培莴苣生产的优化
  • 鱼菜共生实用入门


荣誉 & 奖




实习 help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, 和 gain 经验. 探索 实习和学分选择.

The 经济学 faculty members consider well-structured internships to be essential 对学生的教育. 该部门资助全职和兼职实习 在工业、银行和政府机构. 大多数实习都在巴尔的摩-华盛顿 area. The variety of internships that have been completed under the supervision of this department is evidence of the flexible 和 creative applicability of degrees 在经济学.


学生就业 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. 职业教育办事处 provides resources 和 support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a website for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, 和 career management.

主要 & 生涯探索

Exploring career options, choosing a major, 和 making career decisions is a multi-step 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. 云顶集团学生 有各种各样的资源可以通过 专业和职业页面 在这个过程中帮助他们.


A 云顶集团 education prepares students for today’s job market 和 beyond. 学生 can explore job opportunities 和 access job search resources through the CEO职位搜索页面.

研究生 & 专业学校

学生 access resources for searching 和 applying to graduate 和 professional 学校通过 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty 和 staff members, or utilizing their own resources, ne两个rk 和 工具.


云顶集团 College 和 Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering 云顶集团学生 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics 和 risk management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better 和 have passed some quantitative reasoning courses with a grade of B或更好.





“Try everything, fail most of it, quit the rest, 和  then find that one thing (or 两个...or three) that really makes your heart pound  和 gets your adrenaline pumping.”
